

The table cup is small书架中有许多书, is pink,是紫色的。
There is a clock。
There are many books shelves, is purple

奔跑吧笑笑 432024-05-19

here are many books on the bookshelf.The cup on the desk is very small.There is a clock ,it',it's pink;s purple

:小小的菇凉 62024-05-27

There are a lot of books on the bookshelf. And there is a pink clock. The cup on the desk is small and it is purple. The house is very beautiful.

上海二当家 362024-05-19

There're a lot of books in the bookshelf.There is a clock,which is pink.The cup on the desk is very small,which is purple.This house is very beautiful.

0密星猛龙0 182024-05-27

There are some books on the bookshelf 。
There is a pink clock 。
The cup in the table is small ,is purple 。
This house is very beautiful 。

多啦X梦521 462024-05-17

There are many books shelves. There is a clock, is pink. The table cup is small, is purple. This house is very beautiful

penny900627 232024-05-08