
My dream home is big house_a_ _ _ _ _ 我的梦想之家是一座建在海滩上的有着色彩艳丽的大房子?

along the beach with bright colours.
请及时采纳,不懂继续问( 天天在线 )
(*^珐护粹咎诔侥达鞋惮猫__^*) 祝学习进步! 谢谢!

peipei1222 282024-06-13

My dream is a colorful big house on the beach. Or My dream h珐护粹咎诔侥达鞋惮猫ome is a big house on the each and reflects different beautiful colors.

土豆炒洋芋G 192024-06-04

My dream home is built on the beach with colorful big house

上官雨霖 192024-06-21