

In Western Europe before the Renaissance, furniture art after a long period of depression and disaster, rose again between the century of 9th to the 11th, and form their own unique style --- Mediterranean style. Mediterranean-style furniture has quickly accepted by a large regional population for its great affinity and the pastoral style and soft colors and mix and match the Mediterranean atmosphere by the people outside of the area.
Pastoral style refers to something which owns "pastora供处垛肺艹镀讹僧番吉l" style things. The specific statements are of means that as a form of unique natural features of the fields and gardens,and are able to demonstrate a certain degree with the artistic features of rural life or the countryside,and can be shown to the contents of the natural quiet work or school(流派).

梦中的纸马 282024-05-29

具有很强的文化感受和历史内涵。地中海风格 地中海风格具有着独特的美学特点。一...常选择柔和高雅的浅色调,映射出它田园风格的本义。地中海风格多用有着古老历史的...它的特点不像艺术改观风格和ArtDeco风格那样明显,但它偏重实用和简约的味道,对...

天津家具城 72024-05-11

post-productive countryside in Finland by exploring how the rural is presented in the context of second home tourism. Being an integral part of rural areas and their history, second homes are an established example of the post-productive consumption of countryside. The international and Finnish literature on rural images provides the theoretical framework for the paper. Research on rural visions has been active in recent years with an emphasis on the Anglocentric interpretations of the rural idyll. This paper contributes to this discussion by providing an empirical review of Finnish popular discourses of second homes. The review is based on an analysis of second-home owners' motives and media representations. The second home countryside is analysed as a farmscape, wildscape and activityscape. The results suggest that the Finnish second home landscape is seen as wilderness (1), life at second homes imitates visions of traditional rural life (2), and the environment is used for traditional consumptive and leisure activities (3).

南南南南者 92024-05-25

Can you be more specific about what do you want me to translate? I am willing to help.

一缕青丝万缕愁 332024-05-29