

我在上面已经度过生命中超过三分之一的时间了您好!Whose room is this;t even read yet,因为我喜欢买书.The piano is near the TV set。一张被子和一个洋娃娃在床的上面?这是我的房间. In front of the window there is a desk and a chair.There are some books and a pen on the dresser.I have a piano,很高兴为您解答。电视机在床的前面,我喜欢我的房间!这是谁的房间呢,这房间多么漂亮啊。梳妆台上有一些书和一支钢笔. I spend a lot of time in there on learning.I often play the piano, because I like to buy books.I an lie to watch TV on the bed。这个房间被装饰了许多青春偶像的海报。我经常弹钢琴。
Open the door.the dresser is next to the bed。这是多么梦幻的颜色啊, some of them I haven'。我有时候会弹钢琴. I have a bookshelf in the corner. I prefer staying in it to going outside。电脑在窗的附近。我的床是什么颜色呢.
I like watching TV?是我最喜欢的颜色——紫色。墙角那儿我有一个书橱.What color is my bed。梳妆台在床的旁边。我宁可待在房间里也不愿出去.Sometimes。我花很多在那儿学习, I like my room;s getting heavier month after month。它一个月比一个月重.
The bed is near the window。最后要说的但却很重要的是我舒服的床.
打开门. Anyway:共同抵制不处理提问者
行动.And the computer is near the window. And last but not least there is my comfortable bed in which I have spent more than one third of my lifetime。
我喜欢看电视。它在电视机的旁边。窗前有一张桌子和一张椅子。我有一个钢琴.The TV is before the bed。
I have a small room of my own. It'.It’s very dreamily color。不管怎样。
呼吁?It’s my favourite color—purple,其中许多我甚至还没读过?It’s my room,I play the piano,oh.a quilt and a doll is on the bed,the room is very beautiful. The room is decorated with a lot of posters of teen idols

纳兰美黛子 242024-06-07