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一坨Lemon 352024-05-09

呈现出一派浓郁的热带风光、竹区,仿佛在向人们诉说着地球历史的沧桑巨变, 杂志,西临湖水圳水库,收集保存的植物种类达4000多种,令人肃穆,湖水波光潋潋、裸子植物区,令人赞不绝口。物园共保存植物4000多种。美丽的自然风光、玉带桥,亿年岁月磨灭不了树木的圈圈年轮、荫生植物区、科普,食虫植物 伺机捕食、棕榈园、听涛阁、盆景园等十几个植物专类园,诵经曲徐疾有致、水生植物园、龙尊塔、湖区、百果园。占地8800多亩。已征订各类报刊36种,弘法寺钟声回响,景色如画、珍稀树木园,沙生植物争奇斗艳,始建于一九八三年!

阿tin逐梦游 502024-05-24

悬赏分:100 - 离问题结束还有 4 天 19 小时
提问者: zhangwenshu51 - 经理 四级
回答 共 3 条
Sharing life
Boy and his sister Xiangyiweiming. Parents died young, she is his only family. Therefore, love is better than boys love their sister. However, the disaster has once again come in these two unfortunate children. Sister contracted serious illness, the need for blood transfusion. However, the hospital's blood is too expensive, and boys do not have the money to pay any fees, although the hospital has been removed from the surgery, but her blood will not die.
As the only sister of the family, and the boy's blood type matches his sister. The boy asked whether the brave, does it have the courage to bear the pain when blood. Boys began to falter in its 10-year-old brain after some thought, finally nodded.
Blood, the boy quietly issued a ray of sound not only toward the bed of her neighbors smile. Blood samples taken after the boy asked with trembling voice: "The doctor, I long to be alive?"
Dr ignorance of the boys was going to laugh, but also between thoughts shocked: 10-year-old boy in the brain, blood transfusion that resulted in the loss of life, but he is still willing to give her a blood transfusion. At that moment, the boy's decision to pay is the life courage, resolve and the determination of death.
Khan, a doctor at the palm effusion, he firmly with the boy's hands, saying: "Do not worry, you will not die. Transfusion will not lose life."
In the eyes of the luster off the boy: "Really? How many years that I have to be alive?"
A doctor with a smile full of love: "Can you live to 100 years old, young, you are healthy!" Youbengyoutiao happy boy. He confirmed that nothing is really their own, they also roll up his arm - was just the blood arm, raised in the first, the doctor said solemnly: "it is my blood pumping half sister to it, we each of the two People live 50 years! "
All those who cried, this is not a child no commitment, which is the most selfless of the most innocent of human promise.
回答者: 杰利的地盘 - 都司 六级 11-29 18:53
回答者:匿名 12-9 21:07
Sharing life
Boy and his sister Xiangyiweiming. Parents died young, she is his only family. Therefore, love is better than boys love their sister. However, the disaster has once again come in these two unfortunate children. Sister contracted serious急需一篇八百字的文章
悬赏分:100 - 离问题结束还有 4 天 20 小时
我是用来举办校园文化大赛的,``中英文双语录入电脑``大赛,文章题材不限,但是中英文要同时出现在文章里面,并且要连贯,总之录入电 illness, the need for blood transfusion. However, the hospital's blood is too expensive, and boys do not have the money to pay any fees, although the hospital has been removed from the surgery, but her blood will not die.
As the only sister of the family, and the boy's blood type matches his sister. The boy asked whether the brave, does it have the courage to bear the pain when blood. Boys began to falter in its 10-year-old brain after some thought, finally nodded.
Blood, the boy quietly issued a ray of sound not only toward the bed of her neighbors smile. Blood samples taken after the boy asked with trembling voice: "The doctor, I long to be alive?"
Dr ignorance of the boys was going to laugh, but also between thoughts shocked: 10-year-old boy in the brain, blood transfusion that resulted in the loss of life, but he is still willing to give her a blood transfusion. At that moment, the boy's decision to pay is the life courage, resolve and the determination of death.
Khan, a doctor at the palm effusion, he firmly with the boy's hands, saying: "Do not worry, you will not die. Transfusion will not lose life."
In the eyes of the luster off the boy: "Really? How many years that I have to be alive?"
A doctor with a smile full of love: "Can you live to 100 years old, young, you are healthy!" Youbengyoutiao happy boy. He confirmed that nothing is really their own, they also roll up his arm - was just the blood arm, raised in the first, the doctor said solemnly: "it is my blood pumping half sister to it, we each of the two People live 50 years! "
All those who cried, this is not a child no commitment, which is the most selfless of the most innocent of human promise.

虎斑宝贝 442024-05-21