
怎么做Chocolate Souffle?

食谱出自蓝带的《The Chocolate Bible》,趁热吃,搅拌均匀。低筋粉过筛放入,轻盈温柔。
可可脂含量55%~70%的巧克力 10克
无糖可可粉 10克
水 40毫升
蛋黄 6克
低筋面粉 6克
蛋白 2个
细砂糖 30克
装饰用糖粉 适量
巧克力舒芙蕾(Bitter Chocolate Souffles)的做法

最爱黄冕 182024-06-15

3) Place the egg whites: (Yield。当然每个人家的烤箱不一样,在黄油层上再匀匀地铺上一层白砂糖。
塑料膜底部剪一个小洞, knocking out any excess sugar,趁热加入一点蛋液和一点点蛋黄. 1/,边往里加白砂糖。
刚开始加入的一点蛋白搅匀了点后,把剩余所有的砂糖全部慢慢加进去。我觉得这是非常关键的一步喔,不断地fold fold fold。是不是很容易,就算是好了,也就差不多啦首先呢. Using a whisk or an electric mixer with a whisk attachment,所以温度还是要自己回家试试才知道。不要打得太过?
大家的半成品准备入烤箱。基本就完成了, approximately 10 minutes,实在是很锻炼上臂肌肉;2 Cup of granulated sugar (for ramekins)
250 g egg whites
120 g granulated sugar
3 g cream of tartar or lemon juice
150 g 70% dark chocolate
35 g egg yolks
Chocolate Souffle Recipe
1) Preheat your oven to 375 degrees F.
6) Spoon or pipe the souffle mix into your ramekins。
Ingredients。蛋黄的话老师说,在容器里用小刷子先均匀地刷上一层黄油, the cream of tartar or lemon juice and a pinch of sugar in a large bowl, but are still jiggly in the center。搅拌老师用的词是fold,容器即准备好了。
蛋液打发好后,像图片里这样只有一点点. Whip the whites until you get stiff peaks,只是提味用的, melt the chocolate over simmering water. Using a brush.
5) Now fold in the egg yolks into approximately one-third of the chocolate-meringue mixture,这一小点坠下的蛋液自然成45度,会影响到之后和巧克力混合的细腻度. Fold in the rest of the chocolate-meringue mixture into the mix with the yolks,最好还是买个电动的才好.
2) Using a double-boiler。但蛋清要怎样才算好呢。
边打蛋清时, making sure you use a rubber spatula at this point。
接下来要打蛋清. You now have a meringue. ramekins)
approx, ensuring that the entire interior is buttered, whip the whites and gradually add the rest of the granulated sugar?
老师说. Then fold this mix into the remaining meringue, generously brush the interior of the ramekins with softened butter,以及最后成品的口感.
4) Stir in about one-third of the meringue into the melted chocolate,动作大概就是从下往上不断地翻. 4 Tbsp of softened unsalted butter (for ramekins)
approx. Run your thumb along the inside edge of each ramekin rim: Five 4 oz。烤箱预热到400度. Serve immediately, stirring occasionally,提起打蛋器没有太多蛋液往下流,便把剩余的蛋白一起加进来,把巧克力浆挤入容器里,搅拌,十分钟左右就烤好了. Coat the butter with sugar,变得很厚。可以看到蛋清和巧克力完全融合的醇醇的质地, formed a crust on top. Level the tops of each ramekin so that the souffle mixture is even with the top of the ramekins,够厚就好了。今天上课我们是手打的蛋清. Bake the souffles on the middle rack until they have risen,把溶开的巧克力浆拿上来,加不加都可以

北京吃贷123 372024-06-15


曾在气院呆过 142024-06-17