

文房四宝 the four treasures in a Chinese study
笔 Chinese writing brush
墨 Chinese ink
纸 Chinese (writing) paper (后可加for calligraphy)
砚 ink stone/ ink slab

吃货小郡主 232024-05-09

the “scholar's four jewels” (writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper)
“the four precious articles of the writing table”
writing materials

坚吃不懈1208 72024-05-05

毛笔 Chinese brush
黑墨 black ink
宣纸 rice paper
砚台 ink stone

张小电1301 392024-05-01

文房四宝: the four treasures of the study, i.e. writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, paper

文武大叔 442024-05-07