
这栋大楼有多少层 英语翻译下。?

How many floors are there in the building?
存在的有哗功糕嘉蕹黄革萎宫联用there be句型

万达集团乔梦云 312024-05-14

how many floor

何时何处 72024-05-22

how many floor of this buiding?

毕筱倩mm 142024-05-24

How many floors are there in the building?

孙家员外 192024-05-26

How many floors are there in the building?

虎斑宝贝 402024-05-07

How many floors (storeys or stories) are there in this building (or in this block of building)?

aprileatapple 462024-05-09

这栋大楼有多少层? 英语翻译下。
How many storeys this building has?

小兔子lucky 202024-05-11