

i'd like to go to the rest room.
rest room 是比较文雅的说法

很多时候会想起 322024-05-21

Excuse me男女
Excuse me, I need to go to the bathroom.
Excuse me, I need to go to the Loo.
Excuse me, I need to go to the restroom, I need to go to the Toilet.
Excuse me .
Excuse me, I need to go to the washroom.
Excuse me, I need to go to the powder room,I need to answer the call of nature

军大大大 452024-05-11

Excuse me, I'll have to wash my hands.
Excuse me ,the nature calls. (大自然召唤,也就是要上厕所了)
Excuse me, I need to go to the rest-room.

雅婷0302 312024-05-29

有一种说法,是I want to go to somewhere.

香蕉君诶嘿嘿 462024-05-14

excuse me for a moment (雅)
I'll be right back
please wait for me
nature's calling
I need to use the facilities
where's the bathroom? (常用)
which way should I go?
Where can I find a restroom?

阳澄湖边 252024-05-14

go to the washroom

暗旦无光 382024-05-15

I am going to wash hands.

Sunny彩妆半永久 72024-05-26

pick a flower (female)
add some powder (female)

Elaine暖阳 412024-05-15

I have to go for awear.美式的俗语,这样说很地道。

水乡的风光 482024-05-13

Hear the nature's call.

伊斯坦布尔之夜 352024-05-31

I have to go.

happppylee 372024-05-22