

The delicately decorated Christmas tree make the house take on an atmosphere of festival.

baibailittlelove 252024-05-14

The beautifully decorated Christmas tree gives the house a holiday aspect.
The house tskes on a holiday aspect because of the beautifully decorated Christmas tree.

乖乖黑宝宝 342024-06-02

简明,英语翻译讲求信、达、雅 ,但切忌死译,死译只会增加语言的累赘和冗繁,从而使听着感到不舒服。
The well-decorated Christmas tree makes the house festival atmosphere.

壹个芝麻糕 332024-05-14

The beautifully decorated Christmas tree makes the room full of festival atmosphere.

ERICA漠漠 82024-05-15