
翻译 我在厨房做饭时,他正在看电视。?

英语I am in the kitchen cooking, cuisiner, he was watching TV
日语私はキッチンで调理し, war er Fernsehen
俄语Я на кухне для приготовления пищи、彼はテレビを见ていた
德语Ich bin in der Küche kochen, он смотрел телевизор
法语Je suis dans la cuisine, regarder la télévision

瑞贝卡tt 312024-05-27

He is watching TV when I am cooking in the kitchen

traveler0723 212024-06-03

He was watching TV while I was cooking in the kitchen.

落落晓婷 312024-05-27

I am in the kitchen cooking, he was watching TV

沈阳硅藻泥 362024-06-01