


装修导读:  为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑  关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料  Reusable buildings constructed for COP22 climate summit in Marrakech  由专筑网(iarch.cn)Yumi,韩平

  为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑  关键词:专筑网,专筑设计、专筑视界、专筑讲坛、专筑视频、专筑资料  Reusable buildings constructed for COP22 climate summit in Marrakech  由专筑网(iarch.cn)Yumi,韩平



  Reusable buildings constructed for COP22 climate summit in Marrakech


  在摩洛哥的马拉喀什,为cop22气候会议建造了一系列的临时建筑。设计试图通过对传统的施工技术的重新解读,回应本国的建筑和独特的气候。为保持建筑的可持续性,建筑在峰会后将被重新利用,分发给当地协会。cop22的展览空间是由巴黎和卡萨布兰卡的建筑事务所Oualalou + Choi设计的,他们与法国的建筑师Stéphane Malka 在该项目的透视画法上合作。

为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑 (4)_调整大小为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑 (3)_调整大小为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑 (2)_调整大小为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑 (1)_调整大小为cop22气候峰会建造的可重复使用的建筑 (5)_调整大小

  A series of temporary structures have been erected at the COP22 climate conference in Marrakech, Morocco. The designs seek to respond to the country’s architecture and unique climate through the reinterpretation of traditional construction techniques. In keeping with the event’s message of sustainability, the buildings will be reused after the summit and distributed to local associations. COP22’s exhibition spaces have been designed by Paris and Casablanca-based architects Oualalou + Choi, who worked in collaboration with French architect Stéphane Malka on the project’s scenography.

  ‘Ark22′(入口)由 Oualalou + Choi和Malka建筑师设计成一个纪念性设施,测量它的高度12米、长50米。 建筑被设想成“点彩派画家构图”,由相同的木元素构成,而不需要任何裁剪或建筑墙板。材料来源于当地的树林,堆积的木材部件遮蔽了室内,使它免受该地区强烈的阳光照射。

  ‘Ark22′ (the gateway) has been designed by Oualalou + Choi and Malka architecture as a monumental installation that measures 12 meters in height and 50 meters in length. Conceived as a ‘pointillist composition’, the building is made of identical wooden elements without the need for any trimming or architectural siding. Sourced from local forests, the stacked timber components both conceal the interior, and protect it from the region’s hot sun.




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